
Who are we

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European Regions Enhancing Internationalisation
Vocational Education and Training




In the network EREIVET 16 partners from 12 countries cooperate together in the field of vocational education and training especially to improve learning mobility in Europe in quality and quantity.


Members of the network are: 

- Regional school authorities

- Networks/clusters of schools of one region

- Big schools or school-centres 


Presently the network has the following partners:

- Ministry of Education of Lower Saxony (Germany)

- Académie Reims (France)

- SOSU Sjælland, Vocational Training Centre (Denmark)

- North-Trøndelag County Council (Norway)

- Regional district government in Düsseldorf, North Rhine Westphalia

- Istituto  Tecnico Commerciale  Statale  "Domenico Romanazzi",
  Apulia (Italy)

- Ministry of Education of  Regional Government in Andalusia (Spain)

- Académie Aix-Marseille (France)

- School Inspectorate of Lower Silesia Province (Poland)

- Nordwin college Leuuwarden(Netherlands)

- Styrian Government (Austria)

- Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium (Finland)

- Tekirdağ Provincial National Education Directorate (Turkey)

- Regional Council of Jämtland County (Sweden)

- CFA La Châtaigneraie, Upper Normandy (France)

- Vysocina Education

 For further information look at the attachments.